Our system has a hierarchy with "Group Accounts" at the top of the hierarchy. Groups have one or more "Company Accounts" that are members of the group. Companies have one or more "job sites" that belong to the company. A job site has one or more "gateways" assigned to it and any "sensors" that send data through that gateway will automatically be added to that job site. That's the hierarchy in a nutshell.
Most of our users will never need to have their own group or need to know anything about groups. If that is you, feel free to stop reading.
So why might you need a group account? A typical use case is a construction company that has one or more jobs going on at any given time. Lets say your construction company is called "Big Hammer Builders" and you have 10 different jobs currently active. Each job should be set up as a company account on the OmniSense monitoring web site such that the invoice and billing is for that job only. If Big Hammer Builders has 10 jobs going on at the same time you would have 10 company accounts on the OmniSense monitoring web site. That would require 10 different logins, one for each account. Now what if you are the QA person at Big Hammer Builders corporate that is tasked with making sure all your projects are following the same process? Your life would be much easier if you could access all 10 company accounts with one login and that's where groups come into play. We place all 10 companies (as well as any future companies) into a Big Hammer Builders Group. A group login is then the "super user" for all Big Hammer Builders OmniSense company accounts. The Big Hammer Builders group login has privileges to:
Create new company accounts
Deactivate existing company accounts
Move gateways between company accounts
View all current and historical data for all company accounts
Edit or change anything within any company account
View current billing status for all company accounts
Add or remove users from company accounts
If you have a group account best practices are that the group login is known to a limited set of employees at the corporate level, typically the QA person. That person should use the login to:
Create new company accounts for new projects and enforce consistency in how accounts and job sites are named and consistency in billing information
Create the user logins for each company account
Create Job Sites and assign gateway(s) to the job site
Enforce a consistent use of remote monitoring at all active projects
Think you could benefit from a group account? Please contact us and we'll get you started.
Most of our users will never need to have their own group or need to know anything about groups. If that is you, feel free to stop reading.
So why might you need a group account? A typical use case is a construction company that has one or more jobs going on at any given time. Lets say your construction company is called "Big Hammer Builders" and you have 10 different jobs currently active. Each job should be set up as a company account on the OmniSense monitoring web site such that the invoice and billing is for that job only. If Big Hammer Builders has 10 jobs going on at the same time you would have 10 company accounts on the OmniSense monitoring web site. That would require 10 different logins, one for each account. Now what if you are the QA person at Big Hammer Builders corporate that is tasked with making sure all your projects are following the same process? Your life would be much easier if you could access all 10 company accounts with one login and that's where groups come into play. We place all 10 companies (as well as any future companies) into a Big Hammer Builders Group. A group login is then the "super user" for all Big Hammer Builders OmniSense company accounts. The Big Hammer Builders group login has privileges to:
Create new company accounts
Deactivate existing company accounts
Move gateways between company accounts
View all current and historical data for all company accounts
Edit or change anything within any company account
View current billing status for all company accounts
Add or remove users from company accounts
If you have a group account best practices are that the group login is known to a limited set of employees at the corporate level, typically the QA person. That person should use the login to:
Create new company accounts for new projects and enforce consistency in how accounts and job sites are named and consistency in billing information
Create the user logins for each company account
Create Job Sites and assign gateway(s) to the job site
Enforce a consistent use of remote monitoring at all active projects
Think you could benefit from a group account? Please contact us and we'll get you started.