The device stores local time and a utc offset, so my guess is that the device time was updated via the LCD and the utc offset is incorrect.
One way to update the utc time on the device is:
1. download the Dri-Eaz command center app from the iOS app store
2. add the dehu to a job/room
3. connect to the device via BLE
4. Navigate to the chart page ( second button from the right on the bottom of the screen after connecting, has a graph points on the button )
5. Hit Reset Hours in the upper right corner
This will set the time on the device to match the time on the iOS device and updates the local and utc offsets on the Dehu. All of this can be done with the device still connected to the Omnisense gateway.
One way to update the utc time on the device is:
1. download the Dri-Eaz command center app from the iOS app store
2. add the dehu to a job/room
3. connect to the device via BLE
4. Navigate to the chart page ( second button from the right on the bottom of the screen after connecting, has a graph points on the button )
5. Hit Reset Hours in the upper right corner
This will set the time on the device to match the time on the iOS device and updates the local and utc offsets on the Dehu. All of this can be done with the device still connected to the Omnisense gateway.