12 years ago
#5 Quote
Note that you must use a SD card that is 1GB or less when updating gateways whose current FW
revision is 01.24 or less.  


1. How to update Gateway firmware using the SD card slot.
  a. Copy the firmware file into the root directory of a 1GB or less FAT (also called FAT16)
    formatted SD card. (see below for instructions on how to check if it is FAT formatted)
    Do not rename the file – the name must stay as “gateway.s19”.
  b. Make sure gateway power is off
  c. Insert the SD card in the gateway’s SD card slot
  d. Connect power to the gateway
  e. Wait 60 seconds for the firmware update to complete. Very important that you do not
    power the gateway down while the firmware is updating as that will corrupt the firmware
    image stored in FLASH necessitating a return to us to fix it. So make sure to wait the 60
  f. Repeat for each of your gateways

How do you know if your SD card its FAT? The disk properties window (reached from the “My
Computer” window and then right click on the icon for the SD card disk and select “properties”) should
say “File system: FAT”. 99% likely it’s a FAT file system SD card. But if it does not say “FAT” then you
can reformat it to FAT. Note that reformatting will erase all the data on it so make sure you do not have
any important data on your SD card before you reformat. By right clicking on the icon for the SD card
disk and select “format” and on the format menu (shown below) select “FAT” (that’s the default) and
check the “quick format” box then click start.