There are two places to add or remove emails that receive system alerts.
Job Site "Alarm Notification E-mail:"-
This email receives ALL system alerts including sensor alarms and equipment inactivity alerts. TO change it:
1 - login and click "edit" (last button on the right) for the job site you want to modify email settings for
2 - update the "Alarm Notification E-mail:" field. Note this can be a comma separated list of emails
3 - Click "Save"
Alarm Rule "Alarm Email:" -
This is a alarm rule specific email. This should ONLY be used if you have more than one alarm rule and more than one person responsible for responding to different alarms. Reminder that ALL alarm emails ALWAYS go to the Job Site "Alarm Notification E-mail:". Using the Alarm Rule "Alarm Email:" is OPTIONAL and is NOT NEEDED unless you want to direct alarms rule emails to different responsible individuals. To update this email list:
1 - Login and click on the "Alarms" button (2nd from end on the right)
2 - Click "edit" for the alarm rule you wish to modify
3 - update the "Alarm Email:"
4 - Click Save
Job Site "Alarm Notification E-mail:"-
This email receives ALL system alerts including sensor alarms and equipment inactivity alerts. TO change it:
1 - login and click "edit" (last button on the right) for the job site you want to modify email settings for
2 - update the "Alarm Notification E-mail:" field. Note this can be a comma separated list of emails
3 - Click "Save"
Alarm Rule "Alarm Email:" -
This is a alarm rule specific email. This should ONLY be used if you have more than one alarm rule and more than one person responsible for responding to different alarms. Reminder that ALL alarm emails ALWAYS go to the Job Site "Alarm Notification E-mail:". Using the Alarm Rule "Alarm Email:" is OPTIONAL and is NOT NEEDED unless you want to direct alarms rule emails to different responsible individuals. To update this email list:
1 - Login and click on the "Alarms" button (2nd from end on the right)
2 - Click "edit" for the alarm rule you wish to modify
3 - update the "Alarm Email:"
4 - Click Save