Thursday, February 06, 2025 11:51:31 AM

What makes a sensor, gateway or job site "A"ctive or "I"nactive?

8 years ago
#133 Quote
The "Site Inactivity Timeout" controls the amount of time a sensor or gateway can be inactive (as in not heard from by our system) before its status changes from "A" for active to "I" for inactive.  The "Site Inactivity Timeout" value is set on the site detail page and can be changed by clicking on "Job Sites" then "edit" to reach the site detail page for the site in question.  The timeout is in minutes and a value of 0 disables the inactivity timeout feature.  Note you will receive an alert email every time a sensor or gateway changes from active to inactive so use this feature only if you need it.  The default value is 0 meaning that the inactivity timeout is disabled by default.

We recommend setting this value between 60 and 1440 minutes.  Do NOT set this to be the same as or less than your sensor reading interval as that will generate many false alarm emails.
2 years ago
#1107 Quote
If the gateway is online and active, why would the sensors change their status from active to inactive?
2 years ago
#1108 Quote
Maryam Shirmohammadi wrote:
If the gateway is online and active, why would the sensors change their status from active to inactive?

Usually that is caused by one of the following:
1.  The sensor or gateway have been moved increasing the distance and obstacles between them.  Typical in building wireless range is 100m/300ft and typical line of site range is 333m/1000ft
2.  The sensor was switched off or its battery removed.  
3.  Sometimes we have seen sensors mounted during construction to a piece of wood that is subsequently hammered on creating very high G forces for the sensor's battery and forcefully ejecting the battery
2 years ago
#1109 Quote
How can I get the gateway activity history? I noticed that our gateway is going on and offline but couldn't get the history. The only activity history I could get was when sensors were active.
2 years ago
#1110 Quote
Maryam Shirmohammadi wrote:
How can I get the gateway activity history? I noticed that our gateway is going on and offline but couldn't get the history. The only activity history I could get was when sensors were active.

To see the last 10 readings a gateway has received click on "job Sites" then click on the "gateways" button then click on the gateway ID which opens a new window.  In that new window click on the "Summary" tab.  To see a graph of the gateway activity click on the "Activity" tab.  Note that the activity graph is created by pulling readings that pass through that gateway from the database using the start and end dates and comparing them to the sensor reading date.  The data is then graphed by the "create date" as in the date/time the reading was entered into the database.  So if a gateway was offline you will see "holes" in the activity graph followed by spikes when the gateway is once again online and "catching up" sending readings from memory.  If there is a "hole" that is not followed by a spike that means the gateway was unplugged/powered off during that time.