The OmniSense monitoring web site offers a powerful set of tools for producing graphs of your data. To create a graph login to your account and click on the "sensors" link for the job site of interest. That takes you to a page listing all the sensors for that job site and the most recent data for those sensors. On the sensors page click on any sensor data value (the current temperature for example) to pop up a new window with a graph of the last 24 hours of data for sensor and that field type. You must enable popups from for this feature to work. In the new window you will then be able to check boxes for any of your sensors and any of their data fields. For example, you can graph the RH and T of a S-900-1 sensor vs the rainfall from a S-14 weather sensor. You can customize the graph start date and time scale as well. Note that for longer time scales data will start to be averaged. You can also layer on the actual data point values by checking the "show values box" or you can enable tool tips by checking the "enable tool tips" box (tool tips are boxes of text that pop up when you hover your mouse over something) which will show the data points value and date if you hover your mouse over it. You can also enable "click to recenter" by checking the "Enable Recenter" box which will then allow you to recenter the graph on any data point just by clicking on it. Use the "Show values", "Enable Recenter" and "Enable Tool Tips" features carefully as they can slow down the page loads if there are many data points being graphed.